We have partnered with exceptional veterinarians who cooperate with our reputable breeders to ensure that our puppies are in excellent health condition. Our puppies are kept under special care and nurturing with our dedicated team and the vets contribution. Our priority to provide healthy and quality puppies to each customer.

All of our puppies are up to date on vaccinations including rabies, parvovirus, coronavirus, kennel cough and parasites.

Our vets closely examine for:

- Organs tests to indicate any signs of congenital defects

- Virus caused illnesses such as: Parvovirus, Coronavirus, Canine Distemper virus.

- Other possible illnesses / issues or defects

If during the course of the export process a veterinarian identifies any health issue on your chosen puppy, we will immediately inform you and refund all charges. 

We’re very proud that our puppies almost never indicated any type of disease or defects as they come from a very healthy environment and the breeders carefully choose the dams and sires. They are professionals who test every parent yearly to screen out any potential defect that can occur in the puppies. The kennels are cleaned and daily and puppies are bathed regularly. Each puppy is quarantined before traveling as per exportation rules to ensure that they’re 100% healthy before the big departure. Each customer can be sure to receive a healthy and happy puppy with us.